The Party for the rest of us…

There’s a bell curve right now in American politics, and the middle of the bell is becoming less and less represented in Washington:

We know many of you feel like you have no political home. The Republican party has been hijacked by the extreme right. The Democratic Party has been hijacked by the extreme left. MOST of us agree with bits and pieces from BOTH party platforms. MOST of us are so fed up with the division and stagnation in Washington, due to the two-party system. It’s time for a 3RD party that represents the viewpoints of many Americans. It’s time for the Center Party. So read more about our movement, give us your feedback and join us today!

Where are the leaders of the middle?

Why do the most vocal people represent the extremes? Why has the Republican Party become the party of Trump? Even though he lost the election, incited an insurrection, constantly insults the military, is a convicted felon charged with 88 offenses in four criminal cases – Republicans still love him! And the Democrats can’t agree on anything because the ultra progressive left wing has taken over the party and is driving people out of the tent.

Join the movement…

Right now The Center Party is a MOVEMENT. We are not an actual political party (YET!) Becoming a political party takes MONEY to organize meetings, collect signatures, meet fundraising requirements, and register with state electoral commissions and the Federal Election Commission.

These are all things we intend to do, but we need your support in order to accomplish this. So please join our movement or donate today!

The Center Party; At-a-glance:

Headquarters: Hamden, CT
Official web site:
Email address: [email protected]
Twitter: @CenterPartyNOW

Mailing address:
Center Party LLC
3000 Whitney Ave
Suite 300
Hamden, CT 06518

Color: Purple

Referred to as (i.e. Democrats, Republicans): Centrists

Visuals (see below):
Icon: White C in purple square

Our animal: The Lion

Democrats have the donkey. Republicans have the elephant. Our animal is the Lion.

The Lion symbolizes strength, authority and command. The lion is cool and calm but ferocious if it has to be.

The Lion is the protector of the earth and the guardian of our dream state. We are daring to dream that America can be the place we all want it to be. Right now we’re nowhere near that. So become a Lion! and make a difference!

Donate today!

We need your help! Launching a new political party takes MONEY. We will never accept any corporate money or sponsorship. The Center Party will be 100% driven by, supported by and as a result acting in the best interest of – the American people. However we need to spread the word with Marketing & PR. We need to improve our web site and data security. We need to establish our headquarters and start grassroots campaigns in every state. We are eager to launch podcasts, social media platforms, and ultimately our own TV show. And we need staff to help us with all of this. That takes money. So please – help us spread the word on social media with our hashtags #EnterTheCenter and #PurplePower. Send people to our web site. And DONATE WHATEVER YOU CAN TODAY!