Is anything more important than this?
Can somebody please explain how extreme weather destroys lives, homes and businesses, and costs billions of dollars to fix, and yet there are people who still just don’t care or don’t believe in it? What channel are they watching? (well, we think we know the answer to that one). There’s also a certain irony that the hardest hit states are Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, and Florida – bastions of Republicanism, big energy money, mega religion and climate change deniers. Unfortunately many lawmakers fall into this category. So here’s what we feel needs to be done about it:
- We need to wave goodbye to the Climate change deniers in Washington (we need to vote them out). Anyone who doubts or denies that Climate change is a real, serious threat NOW to our planet is either too stupid or too corrupt (or both) to have a place in our government.
- Laws and policies will be based on SCIENCE and FACTS, not religion, donor money and corporate lobbyists.
- We support PART OF the ‘Green New Deal’ – which has now morphed into part of Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan (as we write this – spring of 2021)- most notably the part that will create CLEAN ENERGY JOBS in renewable energy industries – wind, solar and hydropower.
- We need to drastically cut down on fossil fuel emissions by socially and financially embracing culture change – self-driving electric vehicles, mass transit, remote work, 3D printing and other technologies that will cut down on carbon output.
- Bottom line – cleaning and protecting our planet IS PRIORITY #1 ! This should not be a PARTISAN issue – and yet somehow it is. A presence of pro-Environment Centrist law-makers in Washington would change that.
More detailed policy ideas will be up to the candidates. Back to Ideas.